Ever wondered how accurately hit series "The West Wing" depicts the West Wing? Jeff Shesol— original West Wing Writer, former White House speechwriter, and "the...
Co-Founder and Executive Director Paul Orzulak was on NPR to share his thoughts on September’s presidential debate. Listen to learn more about what’s at stake...
Vinca LaFleur joined Pat Ennis and Corby Megorden of Ennis Legacy Partners and their colleague Walter Deyhle to talk about leadership communications in the workplace;...
NPR's Steve Inskeep speaks with former presidential speechwriters Mary Kate Cary and Paul Orzulak about Thursday's debate between President Biden and his predecessor Donald Trump.
Ever wondered how to become a more effective public speaker? You won’t want to miss our Vinca LaFleur's guest appearance on Mo Bunnell's podcast, where...
WWW alumn Laurence Pevsner on writing speeches for UN Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield and the art of crafting the perfect apology.
Laurence Pevsner...